> "At the extremely high end, the KAF-16801CE CCD features 16.6 million
> pixels
> in a 4080´4080-pixel array. By using relatively large, 9´9-µm pixels, the
> device delivers greater light-capturing ability, dynamic range, and SNR
> than
> possible with the commonly used smaller pixels. As a result of the pixel
> size, the dual inline package, which has just 34 pins, measures about 38
> mm2
> -an eye-catching piece of silicon! The array also includes proprietary
> on-chip RGB-color filtering to improve color-space performance and
> sensitivity. The KAF-16801 sells for $3000 to $4000 (1000)."
> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> Thus, we are getting there and sooner than I dared hope!
> Now, when it gets to be affordable, I'll buy one!

Custom made CCDs for astronomy have gone as high as 10,000 by 10,000 with
the diameter of the sensor being just slightly smaller than the 5 inch blank
it was fabricated on.  Cost was less than $1,00,000 USD.  B&W only.  Takes a
few minutes to read the sensor after a multi-hour exposure.  Noise level of
around 1 photon per pixel.  True 16 bits per pixel (16 stops) range.

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