Steve wrote:

> > Most of the information I have seenis via 
> > links from there. My own personal experience is that CD-RW is more
> > temperamental.

I haven't seen that to be the case, but then my experience is limited to 
only a few 10-packs of CD-RW. I've yet to have a problem, but that may be 
because I'm not pushing the medium to its limits or abusing storage 
considerations (and my setup is not ideal, by any far stretch of 
imagination!). With a new medium like CD, I don't think "pushing it" is a 
very smart thing to do unless you run a test-lab.

Out of 20 Kodak Gold CD-Rs distributed, I've had no reports of problems. 
Unfortunately, Gold discs are no longer available. I'm now using the Kodak 
Silver, and still no problems (knock wood). If this all blows up in 5 years, 
you can say "I told you so!" :-)

Best regards--LRA
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