----- Original Message -----
From: "Arthur Entlich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 12:49 PM
Subject: Re: filmscanners: CD from Scanner

> Steve Greenbank wrote:
> >
> > The music CDs were just one part of the examples. Some of the later
> > CD's are MP3 discs that are standard ISO data discs. I don't think I
> > ever used a RW for an Audio CD. Also the examples of saving data to
> > from one computer to another is again data. The main point is I have had
> > quite a few problems with CD RW yet even stored in extreme conditions I
> > found CD-Rs reliable - despite the added problem of time sensitivity.
> >
> > Steve
> There is another element involved in this issue.  Very simply, some CD
> player lasers are not tuned to CD-RW dyes.  I only have one CD player at
> home which will play CD-RW disks.  All the other don't even acknowledge
> a disk being inside the tray.

I have had at least 3 CD-RWs that were apparently blank immediately after
writing - even on the writer that was supposed to of written them. My DVD is
also supposedly fully CD-RW compatible but failed to read these discs.
Re-erasing the CD-RW and re-writing it has cured the problem each time.
Which certainly worries me.

> My CD-ROM drives (I have about 5) vary in how well they will read a
> CD-RW, depending on their year of production.  The older models tend to
> be difficult with CD-RW disks, even with upgraded software drivers.  The
> newer CD-ROM and CD burners tend to read them well.
> I do not know if the specific model of CD player you have in your car is
> designed to read CD-RW disks, as they use a different frequency or dye
> color, so the lasers have to be designed for that use.

The MP3 in-dash CD player is also supposed to be CD-RW compatible, but does
appear to suffer the odd glitch with CD-RW but not with CD-R.
The Napa portable CD player is also supposed to play CD-RW but was very
fussy and would only play reliably from the TDK disc recorded at 4x or less
and when the player was set to full anti-shock mode. This rather suggests it
was reading lots of errors. I might add this unit was not too great in
general and went back. The problems here were more with the reader but I
have heard anecdotally of quite a few CD-RW compatible readers being fussy
with CD-RW of one type or another.
> That might explain the situation. Maybe?
IMHO probably not.


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