
If you haven't already, I suggest you read Dane Kosaka's step by step guide to
scanning Kodachromes with Nikon scanners using Nikonscan software:

Most of what Dane recommends can be done with Vuescan as well as with Nikonscan.

Since the slides are faded, Vuescan's "restore color" filter might be worth

Generally, Digital ICE (or the Vuescan equivalent) does not work well with
Kodachrome. You can look forward to a lot of rubber stamping to get rid of the
dust and grunge.

I'm perplexed by the image size of your slides. 22mm square might be from a
Robot camera? But you imply the image is too wide to scan -- have you mixed up
your millimetres? Maybe these are slides on 127 (Vest Pocket) size film, with an
image about 38mm square? From a Baby Rollei, or from a Brownie Starflash?

Peter Marquis-Kyle

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bruce Roberts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I have never had to scan Kodachrome slides before (and never thought I'
> have to!) but, as luck would have it, I have just been handed a huge
> pile of them to scan.
> I am using VueScan 7.1.7 on a PC with an LS30. What is the generally
> accepted best method for scanning these? Is use of the infrared channel
> out? If it is better to use Nikon Scan 3.1 on these I can.
> Many of the slides are badly faded, quite dirty (fingerprints, dust) and
> all of them are of an unknown size (to me). They are a square image
> measuring about 22mm on a side. This pretty much buggers me for scanning
> the whole image but the owner of the slides (family!) don't mind if I
> forcibly have to crop due to the scanners limitations.

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