David Hoffman wrote:
> I expect Ed is right & these are Instamatic format. If they are 22mm
> square then they should fit your scanner fine as 35mm is larger at 24
> mm x 36 mm but I have a vague memory that Instamatic was 40mm x 40mm
> which would explain your difficulty.

Here are some frame sizes for small square format cameras:

40mm x 40mm -- 12 exposures on 127 roll film -- 'baby' Rolleiflex, Vest Pocket
Kodaks, and various other cameras (see
http://members.tripod.com/Nigel_Richards/Othercameras/rollie_baby_grey.htm )
http://www.cosmonet.org/camera/vestan_e.htm )

28.5mm x 28.5mm -- Instamatic 126 cartridge film -- mostly cheap snapshot
cameras (see http://user.itl.net/~kypfer/126film.htm )

24mm x 24mm -- 35mm film exposed in early Robot cameras (see
http://www.cameraquest.com/robot1.htm )

Peter Marquis-Kyle

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