----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Chefurka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Mon, 3 Dec 2001 15:01:12 -0500 , "Wilson, Paul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >Can anyone recommend a good 19" monitor?  I'm currently using a 17" NEC
> >XV17+ which is a very good monitor that I'm happy with but I have a 2nd
> >system that needs a monitor and I'd like something bigger.
> The approach I'd take is to buy a
> monitor I'd expect to be good (Viewsonic, Sony and Mitsubishi are the
> I'd look at), but ensure an exchange policy with the vendor in case the
> sample you get doesn't meet your expectations.  That means buying
locally -
> mail-order is a risky and hassle-prone way to buy monitors IMO.
I disagree only slightly. I was unable to find a local source for a Sony
F520, so purchased it from a reliable (!) etailer. I immediately hooked it
up to my wife's computer and ran it for a month or more without any
problems. I still have the box, so that if there are problems, I have some
recourse. Still, if I do have problems...

Jim Snyder

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