----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Greene" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> on 12/4/01 7:20 AM, JackG at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I have always liked Sony products, but the horizontal lines in the
> > tubes that you see on the screen are certainly bothersome.
> >
> The horizontal lines are intrinsic to all Trinatron and Mitsubishi tubes.
> barely am aware of them and do not feel they interfere with viewing and
> working with Photoshop at all.
The horizontal lines are a design feature of the Trinitron monitors. Instead
of an Invar mask, or other device, they use a grating that uses two
horizontal threads to align the vertical ones giving you your dot pitch. I
never notice them because I know why they are there and have tuned them out
as white noise. I would rather have a superior monitor with two
imperceivable horizontal lines than a poor monitor without.

Jim Snyder

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