At 05:32 PM 6/9/02 -0400,  Mac wrote:

>Wow, are you sure? The LZW TIFF was *larger*?
>That's unusual.

Hi Mac,

Thanks for asking - it looks like the original TIFF file that I grabbed
must have already been saved with lwz compression.  So, I did the
experiment again using a fresh scan of a different slide with the following

TIFF:                           56,264 kb
TIFF with lzw compression:      35,364 kb
JPG with Photoshop level 12:    18,453 kb

So, in both this case and the previous one, the JPG with level 12
compression is ~ 1/2  the size of a TIFF with lzw compression.

Thanks again for bringing my mistake to my attention,

Johnny Johnson
Lilburn, GA

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