> All this might not be necessary if MS learned to play well with
> others! <grin>

MS does play well with others; but only if it can be boss. :-)
Unfortunately, this seems to be a common failing of the whole industry.

> installed
> Laurie,
> This site:  www.ncf.carleton.ca/~aa571/aspi.htm has the FTP & URL
> addresses for Adaptec.
> The Radified web site < http://aspi.radified.com/> offers this bit of
> jargon:  "The term 'ASPI' is an acronym that stands for: Advanced SCSI
> Programming Interface. All the following terms are synonymous: ASPI
> layer, ASPI drivers, ASPI interface."  Radified also has links to the
> ForceASPI program you refer to and a fairly detailed guide to how all
> this stuff is supposed to work.  Adaptec has an ASPI checker program,
> so you can see what's installed, if anything -- that's available from
> Radified as well.
> All this might not be necessary if MS learned to play well with
> others! <grin>
> Bernie

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