Bernie and Laurie,

I have updated the ASPI files from the links Bernie provided.  After
reboot I turned on the Epson scanner and the computer recognized it
immediately - no reinstallation of the drivers.  I will try it again
tomorrow, after I use the SprintScan 120 and the card reader.  If it
still sees it, it'll be the first time.

Thanks, I'll keep you posted.


Bernie Kubiak wrote:

>To test the USB scanner as SCSI device theory,  you may want to install
>an ASPI driver and see if that helps, then follow the same startup
>sequence those of us using SCSI cards do (in my case a Polaroid 4000).
>Ed Hamrick has a driver posted on his web site:
>  (same driver for Win2K & XP)
>Or look at  or
>  both have notes on "sorting out the ASPI"
>driver mess" and links to Adaptec drivers.
>The last two websites mention the Adaptec/Microsoft struggle Laurie
>refers to.
>Startup sequence is turn on the scanner, then turn on or reboot the
>computer, scanner gets recognized.
>>>Yes.  That doesn't seem to do any good, Laurie.  However, In trying
>>>this again to be sure, I decided to turn off the scanner and then
>>>turn it back on.  On the third try it recognized it.  One other thing
>>>I should point out.  When I first turn on the scanner, this is after
>>>the computer has been turned on for the day, the scanner drivers are
>>>reinstalled - "Windows has found new hardware" routine.  Almost every
>>>time there is an indication of an error in the installation at the
>>>"Finish" applet.
>>Yes, this is what happens when you attempt to install some SCSI scanners
>>that are connected to a SCSI card.  Tou often wind up needing to install up
>>to 8 instances of the scanner before the OS will recognize it.  The
>>installation of each instance presents a "Windows has found New Hardware"
>>and there is an indication of an error at the end with the a repeat of the
>>"Windows has Found New Hardware" until the magic number of instances has
>>been installed. I think I refer to this in my second paragraph.
>>What I did not mention is that Microsoft at one point with XP was having an
>>argument with Adaptec and refused to license their SCSI layer files and
>>developed their own.  The Microsoft layer software frequently would not work
>>well or reliably with some SCSI devices whose manufactures used the Adaptec
>>standards. I believe the two companies have now reconciled their
>>differences; but I believe that XP installs the Microsoft developed SCSI
>>layer by default and not the Adaptec one, which is one of the resons why
>>some scanners are not recognized under the "Scanners & Cameras" menu item in
>>the Control Panel but appear as a separate menue item such as "Unknown" or
>>"Imaging Devices".  This sort of thing may be at the base of your problem;
>>but I am just speculating.
>>>I'm not sure how to do that.  Epson packages all the drivers for a
>>>specific machine into one compressed file.
>>Install the scanner as a SCSI device rather than a USB device, this should
>>enable you to install the Epson SCSI drivers.  They should remain installed
>>in XP until you manually remove them, which you will not be doing.  Then
>>install the Epson scanner as a USB scanner which should cause Epson to
>>install the appropriate Epson drivers in XP, resulting in your having both
>>sets of drivers installed. I wouuld not use the Microsoft recommended "Let
>>Windows find the driver" option or install the drivers from the Epson CD (if
>>you can avoid it); but I would select to manually instal the drivers by
>>selecting the non-automatic option that Windows offers which will allow you
>>to search the CD for drivers to be installed manually.

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