On 16 Dec 2003 at 23:25, Johannes Gebauer wrote:

> I can do the same just for the windows of the front application. I can
> also just hide all windows to see the desktop. The point is I can
> immediately restore all windows to full size, get the one to front
> which I need. I know this sounds as though the functionality is not
> that different from what you can do in Windows by the task bar, but
> once you have tried it you will see that the whole approach is so much
> better and quicker than any taskbar or dock or program switching.

Well, MS screwed up the taskbar with the release of Win2K by making 
clicking an app in it toggle states, instead of always bringing it to 
the front. This is a constant annoyance to me, so I tend to use Alt-
Tab task switching more than the taskbar.

I definitely see the value of Expose, and I see how Apple got there,  
based on the history of the early versions of the Dock -- all along 
Apple was trying to solve the kinds of problems that Microsoft 
created with the taskbar, by using iconic representations of the 
docs/apps represented in the Dock, and Expose finally solves it by 
using the whole screen to give you as much visual information as 

David W. Fenton                        http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates                http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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