Either will be hard to read (and try to count) at first glance. So I would probably just put the triplet there without any tie to show the half-measure as probably being only slightly less confusing.

David H. Bailey

Darcy James Argue wrote:


In 4/4, one normally "shows" beat 3 of a measure when it contains eighth note values or smaller.

However, I've run into a situation where my source has the following rhythm:

quarter rest - eighth rest - a triplet consisting of: two eighth notes followed an eighth rest - eighth rest - quarter rest

In other words, an eighth-note triplet starting on the "and" of two.

I guess the "correct" way to write this would be to split the eighth note triplet into two groups of sixteenth note triplets, like this:

quarter rest - eighth rest - a triplet consisting of: an eighth note followed by a sixteenth note, tied to a triplet consisting of: a sixteenth note followed by an eighth rest - eighth rest - quarter rest.

This would correctly show beat 3 of the measure. But in this case, I think the above notation (with the tie) is actually much more difficult to read than a single eighth-note triplet starting on beat 2.5.

What say you all?

- Darcy


Brooklyn NY

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-- David H. Bailey [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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