On 28 Aug 2004, at 03:04 PM, Richard Walsh wrote:

Huh, I'm sorry if this is off topic, but kindly name for me the source of this outrageous statement,

Sure thing:

Since the late 1940s, when more than 15% of every U.S. tax dollar was sent overseas to help rebuild war-torn Europe, the share of the federal budget devoted to foreign aid has declined steadily. This year it was $15 billion, less than 1% of the government's $1.9 trillion budget. The amount spent on feeding, housing and educating the world's poorest citizens, which many experts see as the most effective way to win goodwill, is even less. More than one-third of foreign aid is earmarked for military and law enforcement operations.


and please name for me the countries who give more than the US.

Japan, for starters. In fact, from 1992-2000, Japan not only spent more on foreign aid as a percentage of its budget, it also spent more in *actual dollars* than the United States, despite the fact that its budget is much smaller.

See here:


Did you go to Brown?

Uh, no. Is that supposed to be a dis?

- Darcy ----- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Brooklyn, NY

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