I sent this, intending for it to go to the list, but it wound up going
just to Dean:

On Sat, 28 Aug 2004 09:56:34 -0700, Dean M. Estabrook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ...in consideration of all our country has done for
> the world over the past two hundred years in terms of global aide and
> other charitable acts, I am much more than sick and tired of being
> portrayed as the cosmic "Bad Guy."  What other nation would even
> consider emasculating the performance of its National Anthem in fear
> that the rest of the world might be offended by its rightfully earned
> pride?
> Dean M. Estabrook,  American

Hey, I didn't say I agreed. I just brought elements of another
discussion on the same matter over to this list. Personally, I find it
appalling that the Iraqi soccer team, which was an underdog I was
championing at first, told a reporter that they wished the Americans
would just go away. One even said outright that he would be in Najaf
fighting Americans if he were not in Greece kicking a ball.

What a bunch of ingrates! We rescue his country from the grip of a
tyrant, and this is the thanks we get? I personally wish the entire
anthem had been played proudly and bombastically... not as some
ridiculous attempt to tell the rest of the world how much better we
think we are, but to display pride in the heritage of the freest and
most diverse culture in the world.

Brad Beyenhof
Finale mailing list

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