There is a SmartScore Default file in my components folder, I guess this is the one you are looking for.

However, I have found the easiest way is to just use the template and then select everything and insert it into a new document.

About your missing file problem, have you searched for these files with the search function? Perhaps they just got saved in an odd location? Otherwise I have no idea, it never happened to me. Perhaps you have some sort of permissions problem? Where do you save them? In your documents folder? Have you got several users on your Mac?

If this happened to you on one Mac only I would assume you have a major system problem, but on several Macs?


A-NO-NE Music wrote:
Not only Smart Scan doesn't work well, I just found out it doesn't use
_my_ default document that is the template for my new document.  I
actually don't know what template it used.

Is this a documented feature?  Did I forget something I was supposed to
do?  It was too late to copy the data to a new doc when I realized my
usual page layout is totally gone.

P.S. I posted before but received no response. On my 4 Macs, Finale
documents are the only ones disappears magically. This has been going
for years so I have a habit to make duplicates in multiple locations. It
has been OK for a while since I can find the backup in one of the
locations. But there was one music I seems to lost, no where to found. This is why I had to scan my own music tonight. Anyway, am I the only
one having this disappearance problem? I have a feeling the answer is yes :-(


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