On Feb 25, 2005, at 8:43 PM, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:

At 05:04 PM 2/25/05 +0100, Johannes Gebauer wrote:
I actually want the functionality of measure text blocks improved, since
at the moment there is only very limited use for them. I want to be able
to assign a _measure_ attached text block to a position on the _page_.

I know you pretty much dismissed what I was suggesting, but if you look at
the image I created, you'll see that your requested functionality is there.
In fact, by changing the droplist entry, you could change it from measure
to page, or page to measure, and create a relative (to parent) or absolute
(to page) position. (Or duplicate it and change the parameters of the new

(You also were worried about merging items creating long lists. No need to
do that with the label-based approach, either.)

Here's that image again: http://maltedmedia.com/photos/toolbar.gif


PS: Anyone think this approach is worth discussing more? Even if Finale
doesn't implement anything like it?

My main worry with that sort of thing (and even with jef's basic idea to merge the tools) is that to get a type of expression that is different in function requires more mouse clicks. As it stands now, the type and position of the mouse click determines the type of text expression (note- or measure-attached) while in the Text tool double-clicking and dragging automatically puts constraints on the size of the text box, which are things we need to set in both those cases.

I have a similar kind of issue with TG Tools Smart Part extraction. Although it is amazingly powerful, flexible, intelligent and I know it pretty well now, sometimes it is quicker and less fussy to use Finale's built-in explosion tool. Although I appreciate the need for power and flexibility, I wouldn't want it at the expense of easy (meaning fewer keystrokes) implementation of the things I do much more often. Can you see a way to do that?


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