On Mar 10, 2005, at 7:04 AM, dhbailey wrote:

Darcy James Argue wrote:

On 09 Mar 2005, at 5:30 PM, Mark D Lew wrote:
But I pretty much hate opera, so I'd best disqualify myself from *that* discussion.

Well, if you must know, I pretty much hate jazz.
You know, it strikes me that both Mark's attitude and mine are pretty characteristic. The number of jazz musicians I know who are into opera is vanishingly small, and I've found very few classical singers who enjoy instrumental jazz. The exceptions on the latter score tend to be light-voiced singers who do almost exclusively new music and hate traditional opera even more than I do.
This rule even seemed to hold for the other employees of the classical record store where I worked, who were mostly classical instrumentalists -- the ones who liked opera tended to be uninterested in instrumental jazz, and vice versa.
I wonder why that is?

They feel threatened by what they don't understand?

Huh? You'll have to explain further. It seems to me that not understanding some work would leave you cold, not hating it, and not threaten you at all. I feel much more threatened (as a jazz musician and jazz lover) by so-called "smooth jazz" which I understand all too well, and have to dance with, around, and to, way too often to suit me.


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