At 6/7/2005 11:52 AM, David W. Fenton wrote:

>On the PC side, there really hasn't been any remarkable difference in
>any of the 1GHz+ CPUs from an end user point of view, except,
>perhaps, in the most computationally intense tasks.

You are correct.

But . . .

For me, who uses multiple "computationally intensive tasks" all the time, that keeps me from getting coffee during major compiles ;-)

Also, turning on the hyper-threading on recent Xeons, has made an amazing speed improvement when using VMWare to run multiple OSs at the same time.

For  light user, hyper-threading is probably not a big deal.

But, if you run say, a database intensive task while also doing local email or word processing, hyper-threading really allows the user to not notice the background tasks.

To turn on hyper-threading, you need to go to the BIOS settings. It will be in there somewhere ;-)

Phil Daley          < AutoDesk >

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