It very much depends.

Here is what I do most often:
1) Note entry
2) Slurs and other smart shapes
3) Artics
4) Expressions.
5) Layout
6) Score preparation for parts (on a copy of the score)
7) part extraction
8) part layout.

2)-4) I either do for the whole piece/movement, per part or even per screen, depending on how many markings there are. It also depends on whether I am working from a score or from parts.

With contemporary music with lots of markings I usually work by manuscript pages, or sometimes by measure.


Brennon C. Bortz schrieb:
Hi All,

I've been lurking on the list for quite some time now, and have been using
Finale for about 7 years.  To this point, every Finale file I have created
has been done in a different way.  I've never had time to sit down and
create templates, etc.  I know that in the long run, this could be costing
me a lot of time.  I'd like to ask if there is a standard, or most
efficient, order of "doing things" when creating a Finale file from scratch.
I am always finding myself going back to reinvent the wheel every time I
create and fine-tune each file.  Has any type of checklist been created for
this use?

I appreciate any help you all can give, and I respect your collective wisdom
quite thoroughly.

Kindest regards,
Brennon Bortz

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