> All of the above is true.  For your needs I would clone a
> shortcut-activated text expression and set it up to center horizontally on
> the notehead, with the option to precisely place it vertically where the
> mouse is clicked (rather than a default position, which is always measured
> from the notehead.

But I was trying to use articulations because they were the only symbols
that I could get to with shortcuts (through keypad (F11 articulations)).
Shortcuts are limited to two levels of menus and even then do not include
all items on a menu. For instance, to place a fingering requires 'Create -
Text - Other Staff Text - Guitar fingering' and then the key for the
particular letter or number. The shortcuts list has 'Create' but then there
is no 'Text' option for the second step of the shortcut.

How do you make a shortcut to specific text expressions?


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