Thanks, everyone, for your feedback!!

Although many indicate that it is trustable, there are enough problems that I think I will probably give Sibelius a try (and maybe install the 2006 upgrade on my WinXP box).

BTW, OS X *rocks* as a platform. My reasons for feeling this way are probably quite different most of yours: My "day job" is as a software engineer for a large ISP that hosts thousands of domains on FreeBSD servers. Last night I experienced first hand what I had heard rumored--OS X is an incredible FreeBSD platform (using Terminal windows) that has *all* the capabilities of any of the servers I work with every day! I hear Open Source advocates arguing about whether KDE is better than Gnome. Heck, OS X is light years ahead of either of those!

Sorry for the off-tangent post! My new iBook (1.3 GHZ, 80 GB hard drive, 1.5GB RAM, Air port, Blue Tooth, etc.) has got to be my most exciting computer purchase to date.

I'd better get back to work ... (and thanks again for the responses!)

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