Ignorance is bliss, I guess. In fact, it is a major fork: in many ways the biggest yet. Codewarrior was always the professional's tool. It facilitated the move from 68K to PPC and the move from Classic to OSX. What will take its place for the move to Intel? XCode? Don't make me laugh. I have nothing against XCode per se, but there is no migration path from Codewarrior that I've seen. And no migration path to XCode means no migration path at all. It's a new day. I won't blame any company or developer that writes off its Mac side as not worth the cost of the journey. I may well end up as one of them.

Actually, I have something against XCode. It's utterly proprietary. Each version seems to be tied to a version of OSX. So, for example, to use the latest XCode you also have to use the latest OSX version. Perhaps I am mistaken in this. I haven't played with it much. I like CW better as a development environment, too, but that's probably because I know it.

Simon Troup wrote:

To most of the Mac users I know, the Intel chip announcement seemed to
matter no more than hearing that Apple would be switching from Western
Digital to Seagate hard drives.

Robert Patterson

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