On 25.11.2005 Robert Patterson wrote:
I think there is entirely another possibility. On an Intel processior, Virtual PC begins to look like a very interesting product. Now Win apps can run in VPC at native speeds. I have no idea where it will actually go, but I can imagine that it might reach the point where you could run a Win app directly on your Mac desktop without an enclosing Win desktop window. Technically, I see this is an entirely plausible. If such programs could be made to tunnel thru to native MacOS features (like CoreAudio) when running on MacOS, then life might get very interesting.

It might, but then they also allow Mac Users to make a two step, painless move to pure Windows computers. Once the first step is taken (ie a dual boot Mac/Win machine), I foresee the market doing its thing quickly. MacUsers will end up using more Win Software (simply out of necessity at first), developers will stop developing Mac applications, users will be tempted by cheaper hardware (currently you can get more powerful notebooks for a fraction of the price of a Powerbook), and eventually leave the Mac platform. I actually see myself going that way, unless there are good enough reasons (ie software) to keep me on the Mac (and I prefer OS X by many miles over Win). There are already big holes in the Mac software offerings, those holes will not get smaller.



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