At 20:36 01.05.2006, you wrote:
On Apr 29, 2006, at 10:30 PM, A-NO-NE Music wrote:

By the way, if the first chord, the correct version:
    G - F - Cb - Eb - G - Bb
is supposed to be reproduced exactly how it is, it must be spelled 'Eb
over G7'.

While I can agree with the Fsus/G for the "faulty" chord, I don't like the Eb over G7. This is normally used for bitonal chords consisting of 2 triads. G7 can have dozens of voicings in jazz, so it's not very exact.

I would spell the "correct" chord as G7 #9 b13 and use an alterated scale over it.

For the "faulty" chord I would use a cminor scale or c pentatonic minor scale, I think.

Anyway, I would spell the Cb as B.

Well, well. Interesting subject, isn't it?


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