On May 6, 2006, at 9:52 PM, Jacki Barineau wrote:

On May 6, 2006, at 9:27 PM, Eric Dannewitz wrote:

Have you perhaps checked the Manual under MERGING MUSIC?

Okay - now I did a search on "merging music" and nothing came up either! I did find "merging music" in the index, but when I click on it, it takes me to something called "imploding music" which doesn't sound like what I'm doing (everything I have is on a single staff already) - and I can't find anything about actually "merging" when pasting.... If you could point me to the right page of the manual I'll be happy to look it up! BTW, I'm using Fin-Mac 2005b...

Implode is what you want. You will have to create a new dummy staff which will be deleted afterward directly under the target staff. Let's call the earlier passage A and the later passage B. Copy A to the dummy staff so that it is aligned with B. Select B and the A directly underneath it with Mass Edit. Hit 1 (or select Implode from the menu). Delete the dummy staff. Done.

Now, if the two passages have different rhythms and you need to preserve them in different layers, you proceed a little differently. You wouldn't even have to create a dummy staff, but change the lower passage (lets say A) to Layer 2. Select "Show active layer only" from the menu. Drag A and drop over where B is. Turn off Show Active Layer. Done.


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