On Oct 20, 2006, at 11:30 PM, John Roberts wrote:

Just an aside question on this general topic. What is considered to be a reasonable point size for vocal text, say, in Times? (I don't especially
prefer Times, but it is relatively narrow).

Times is a decent type face if you take the trouble to buy a well-built font. But of course hardly anyone does, and the ubiquitous Times New Roman that comes free with almost everything is junk. You get what you pay for.

For lyrics, I consider 10-point Times (actual size) to be normal. I've seen smaller, of course, but I don't like it. Occasionally I'll go even larger than that (for choruses, mostly), but I think I'm atypical in that.

My favorite template for my own work (ie, where I'm not following anyone else's style sheet) used 14-pt non-fixed against a 75% page reduction, which is to say 10.5 actual size. Later I concluded that non-fixed size lyrics was problematic (on cadenzas, or anything else with reduced notes), so I switched to fixed-size. I would have kept 10.5-point if possible, but Finale didn't allow half-sizes for lyrics, so I went down to 10 rather than go up to 11.

Lately I've switched to Minion Condensed (really more like a semi-condensed) for lyrics in my own work (though that's largely theoretical, since I've done hardly any Finale work in more than a year now).

I represent my own opinions only, and not any authoritative standard. I'll curious to hear what others say on the question.


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