> >But if it is set up for streaming, all you'll end up downloading is
> >the file that points to the source file (this is another way to
> >circumvent streaming, BTW).
> but the file is on your HD if you know how to find it.  i recently
> found out because some people had sent me mp3 links to their website
> for a project instead of uploading files as i requested, and after
> playing them completely in the browser, a friend helped me find them
> in the cache.  rename them with the proper extension and they will
> function as proper mp3 files.  a couple of them were corrupted though
> i don't know what the cause was.
> i couldn't DL (save as) from the browser, but QT told me taht pro
> could do it.
> what about m3u files?  i don't know about them, but i think they are
> true streaming, with no trace on your HD and no DL-able files... i
> think.  i could be wrong.  it seems that some link file is all that
> is DL'ed.  many online radio stations use this.
> --
> shirling & neueweise ... new music publishers

There is some misleading information about streaming being put forth on this
thread.  Allow me to clarify.

Your point about finding the mp3 file in your cache is exactly correct; this
is a pseudo-streamed file (starts playing before completely downloaded).

An m3u file is just a playlist file format (plain text).  It allows mp3
files to pseudo-stream in browsers which would otherwise insist on
downloading the whole mp3 first (such as Firefox).  The mp3 file will be on
your HD somewhere.

Playlist files such as m3u and others can also point to true streaming in
Real, QuickTime, and even mp3 format, given that the server is properly set
up to do true streaming.

Just keep in mind that all formats which can do true streaming can also be
pseudo-streamed, depending on the server.

Lee Actor
Composer-in-Residence and Assistant Conductor, Palo Alto Philharmonic

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