Christopher Smith said:

>Aw crap! I just noticed this, from the Finale 2008 Interface Question
>in Support.
>I use these a lot, and am not really happy about adding keystrokes to
>some often-used items, removing key commands for others (explode and
>implode) and limiting my views to 3 sizes that I have to set myself.

Christopher, this is somewhat incomplete information. For starters, the shortcut keys with Ctrl/Apple for spacing and transposition given in this article are specifically *cross-tool* shortcuts -- that is, they work in any tool that allows selection. So if you're doing something in the Staff tool, you no longer need to switch tools to do a transposition or fix spacing.

On the other hand, in the Selection tool (which has taken up most of the functionality of Mass Edit), the old shortcuts without modifiers still do work as well. So you can still select music with the Selection tool and hit 4 to respace it, or 6 to drop it an octave.

The new cross-tool shortcut keys needed a modifier so they wouldn't conflict with other existing shortcuts for those tools. This is a little confusing at first, and it's not well worded on the web site.

Second, the new user-definable view keystrokes do come pre-programmed for 100%, 200%, and 75%. If you don't like these three, you can change them in Program Options (not per-document). And there's always Ctrl/Apple-0 to specify your own percentage directly.


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