On Aug 16, 2007, at 10:18 PM, Chuck Israels wrote:

I just experienced about a half dozen successive crashes of Finale Mac 2k8. Here's what produced them:

Working on a document created from a 2k8 template (a big band chart), I was copying 32 measures of slashes over hidden rests and the accompanying chords (from the piano part) vertically into all parts. All went well until I got to the top 3 staves. Anything I tried caused the spinning beach ball and froze the program. I tried choosing smaller samples (a few measures at a time) to no avail. After a few attempts, simply option clicking in one of the top staves caused an immediate crash. So I entered rests in those staves and applied the slash style. Thinking that I'd be more efficient copying one of those staves with just the slashes into the still empty drum staff, I selected one of them and option clicked the drum staff - immediate crash, so the problem went in either direction, copying to or from any of those staves. By using a filter and only copying the chords, I was successful at accomplishing the task, but this is unstable behavior, and I have not seen anything like it in 2007.

This is not the only case of instability I have seen in 2008, it's just the first one for which I can identify an immediate cause.

This is almost certainly file corruption. I have seen it and the symptoms (crash when attempting to copy to or from certain measures) in all versions of Finale since 2002 (I never saw it in 2004 because I never used 2004.)

Finale 2007 and 2008 do seem to be more prone to file corruption than previous versions, though.

The way around it is to delete the measure(s) involved and re-enter the music. The hard part is identifying the corrupt measures. On my Mac, the file maintenance commands don't seem to do anything. They neither identify nor repair this kind of corruption, telling me the file seems to be fine. Maybe the Windows version works better, so try running it on a friendly Windows Finale user's computer.

I am copying this to MM support.

Absolutely, and with the file attached also, I hope.


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