Very sensical points. In retrospect, a highly intuitive person *might* have made the following observation in my experience, that the fact that the setting returned itself to the Allow Optimization Only If All Staves Are Empty setting, after it clearly had been changed to Allow Optimization Normally during the previous visit to that dialog box, was a "sign" that some sort of overriding state was at play, the first (well, second, right after "This &^$ thing ain't workin' right!") logical explanation being that it already was optimized. Whew--that would be a heck of a deduction.

I'm with David, that Finale could help out a bit by providing a way to know for sure, with*out* regard to appearances, that optimization was in effect. But, it's one of those things about Finale that you tuck away and hope for heck that you remember it if it ever rears up again.


On Oct 31, 2007, at 12:02 PM, dhbailey wrote:

I've often wondered how difficult it would be for MakeMusic to add a warning box to pop up when someone tries to optimize something which has already been optimized ...[snip] ... But to just have it sit there doing nothing helps nobody.
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