Well, I'm not sure it's too far a journey from the original topic. I think those involved in music preparation need to be thinking about the practical realities of rehearsal and performance. In my experience as both a horn player and a conductor, much music is prepared without considering the performers. My guess is that's because of limited ensemble performance experience of those who prepared the music.

I agree about having some extra room on the stand. I like the Manhassett double post conductor's stand. I don't know the model name off hand, but it's wide and has a double lip. To me it's just about perfect. Bigger stands, like the big Wenger drawing board size stands, seem to place a barrier between the ensemble and me that I don't like. In rehearsal, I also like to keep a second stand (or small table) to the side for those additional things that are always needed.

Richard Smith

Aaron Sherber wrote:
Okay, now we're getting totally away from binding issues, but since you bring it up....

As a conductor, I like my workspace to be comfortably larger than my scores. I always keep a spare baton on my desk, and in rehearsal I'm likely to keep a pencil, some index cards, and maybe a rehearsal schedule or list of spots to hit. I guess you're right that an 11x14 score may just barely fit on one stand (though technically I think it extends slightly past the stand on all three sides), but it doesn't leave me room for any of my other work implements, and so it's a non-starter for me. Two stands side-by-side is a better compromise, if a large desk isn't available.

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