On 19 Nov 2008 at 10:15, Allen Fisher wrote:

> The result is better than SSL, in that more things are recognized.  

In the case of the first two scores I did with SSL, the things it 
didn't recognize were actually a blessing, since I would have had to 
completely alter them in any event. It was the things it recognized 
*wrong* that were the problem.

> SmartScore Pro also has tools that let you clean up the scan, and  
> clean up any really glaring mistakes before bringing it over to Finale.

You mean like the training tools in OCR? 

I'll be trying the PDFToMusic for my next project and will report 
back. In this case, I've got lyrics on all parts and want to preserve 
them, and that would be a huge time savings over the version of SSL I 
have, which completely ignores all text.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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