> > i remember not seeing any example of parts costing more than 1000
> > (eur/usd) to rent.  this "price ceiling" is what large-scale opera and
> > some major orchestral works will cost.  there can be 2nd performance
> > (75%) and even 3rd performance (50%) discounts within a certain
> > timeframe (a season?).
> >
> FWIW, Kallisti Music Press offers all orchestral parts for sale only,
> not for rental. We (I) do this partly to make it easy on conductors
> (take as long as you want for rehearsal, and repeat the performance as
> many times as you like) and to encourage repeated programming of the
> work, since it  will be in the orchestra's library indefinitely. I
> charge for these parts roughly the same sort of price one would expect
> for rental, usually between $80 and $400 depending on the length and
> instrumentation of the piece.
> I have found that orchestras  are so unused to this idea that they have
> sometimes returned the  parts to me after the performance, on the
> assumption  that  they were  rentals. I therefore now include a note
> with every parts set ordered, emphasizing that the parts are not
> rentals, and that if the  orchestra does not  wish to keep them, they
> should be donated to a school, library,  or community orchestra.
> If any of you out there think this is a good deal, by all means get in
> touch!
> Andrew Stiller
> Kallisti Music Press
> http://www.kallistimusic.com/

I also offer my orchestral parts for sale only, mainly to encourage repeat
performances.  I also prefer the presentation value of freshly printed
parts; after parts are used and shipped around a few times, they deteriorate
quickly, as anyone who has rented orchestral music knows.  Plus, I'm not
eager to add the hassle of tracking rental parts to my to-do list.  However,
once volume passes a certain point, practical realities may make the rental
model inevitable for us POD people.  I'm not there yet, but it's a problem I
wouldn't necessarily mind having.

BTW, as an orchestral librarian I've rented a lot of music, and the
publisher ALWAYS asks that the parts be erased before returning, but are
virtually always completely marked up when initially delivered.

Lee Actor
Composer-in-Residence and Assistant Conductor, Palo Alto Philharmonic
Assistant Conductor, Nova Vista Symphony

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