Thanks for quick reply, David.

I thought I had read that any use of the word "mute" or whatever would work. If I read that, the answer, I suppose, is "sometimes".

I just tried some tests using the expressions supplied, and they do work, even though there is no playback effect ascribed to them. Now my only problem is the lack of a KS bass trombone (or tuba) patch in GPO4. I'll use a workaround.



dhbailey wrote:
Ray Horton wrote:
Dear list,

I am using WinFin 2110a and GPO4. I am working on a full orchestra score, including all horns, trumpets, trombones and strings loaded with KS (keyswitched) patches.

Am I correct in that all I need to do, when using the KS patches, to change between "mute" and "open" for the brass, or "arco" and "pizz" for the strings, is put the correct term on the staff, ahead of the entrance? Sometimes this works, sometimes it does not. I can have "arco" placed in the identical position on all the string staves and three of them will switch and two won't. On a single switch in a single stave on some playbacks that stave will switch, then on the next playback it will not.

What am I doing wrong?

Also, will Garritan Jazz and Gariitan Marching Band not work with the Aria Player - is it necessary to use the Kontact Player with them?

Regarding the Jazz and Marching Band question, I believe you have to wait for an updated version to come out which will work with the Aria Player.

With regards to the "mute" and "open" and "arco" and "pizz" question -- make sure you're using the specific entries marked for use with GPO, since they've got the keyswitch data programmed into them. If you're using the plain expressions for those, or creating your own, you won't get the results you want.

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