I hear what you're saying...and sometimes a local solution is the best and only way to go in a pinch. But on the other hand, there's something about a score with a number of different spacing algorithms that doesn't look quite right to me. As I understand it, the old engravers of yesteryear used one set of spacings for a whole piece or movement, which _did_ require a lot of calculations before hammering in the first note punch, but which produced results which are easy to read and in addition exude a wonderful kind of harmonious "rightness" that has a lot to do with the overall graphical balance between black and white on the page. Or am I being too fussy here? I'd be interested in your take on the subject — or anybody's take, for that matter.
Habsburger Verlag Frankfurt (Dr. Fiedler)

On 24.01.2010, at 14:55, Jari Williamsson wrote:

Eric Fiedler wrote:

(c) changing the Note Spacing values globally

Why not locally?

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