If you must use a tuplet instead of a time signature  of 12/8 as four dotted
wuaters, then you have to use the Broken Beam Tool to switch the sixteenth
beamlet to the other side.

> Here's my beaming problem. I have a piece in common time 
> where some of the beats use the typical rhythm of a 12/8 time 
> sig: dotted 8th + 16th + 8th in the value of a quarter note. 
> So I define use a tuplet with "1 dotted quarter in the space 
> of 1 quarter", and I get my three notes. But the beam for the 
> 16th is on the wrong side, i.e. between notes 2 and 3 instead 
> of notes 1 and 2. Rebeaming the music doesn't change this.
> www.collins.lautre.net/files/beaming.jpg (what I want, and what I get)
> What am I doing wrong, or how can I get around this?
> Thanks,
> Dennis

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