At 4:12 AM +1100 3/25/10, Nigel Hanley wrote:
I have enjoyed this reading this mailing list on and off for near on fourteen years, correct me if it hasn't been around that long. I am a Finale user since 2.0, currently Fin 2007. Has there ever been discussion about taking this list to a blog format?

Nigel Hanley
Sydney, Australia

I certainly hope not!  This is a discussion list.  A blog is a monologue.


John R. Howell, Assoc. Prof. of Music
Virginia Tech Department of Music
College of Liberal Arts & Human Sciences
Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A. 24061-0240
Vox (540) 231-8411  Fax (540) 231-5034

"We never play anything the same way once."  Shelly Manne's definition
of jazz musicians.
Finale mailing list

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