On May 25, 2010, at 9:45 AM, Aaron Sherber wrote:

Not every version has to have a "wow" factor for me; I try to take an incremental approach. If the new features and bug fixes together save me more than a couple of hours of work over the course of the year, then the upgrade pays for itself.

You know, I hear it formulated like that a lot, but I realize that my priorities are different. Maybe this says something about the sort of work I do, but I care more about being able to get better results than getting faster results.

I've recently finished a big upgrade jump to v2010 and I find that the feature that I appreciate most actually causes me more work, not less -- because it now gives me the ability to tweak something that I disliked before but put up with because it was pretty much unfixable. Now it's fixable, and I spend more time fixing.

In another post I mentioned that I wish I had the ability to adjust lyric hyphens. That would not save me any time, but it would cost me a little time whenever I use the feature. But on those occasion where it's needed, I really want that ability.

I've noticed that most of Finale's improvements are geared toward doing more things automatically and yielding results which aren't hideous but aren't perfect either, but very little is done to make it easier for me to get things exactly how I want them. I understand those are the improvements that most other users want, but it's not what I want.

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