Two things can mess this up for me.

One is "clefs" set to copy in the filter.

Two is "display in concert pitch". Sometimes this messes up even NON- transposing instruments. Turning it off restores things.

Three is gamma radiation. Okay, that's more than two. I just say that whenever something random happens that I can't explain.


On Thu May 27, at ThursdayMay 27 12:31 AM, Aaron Rabushka wrote:

In one of the scores I'm working with now I put a bass clef in the middle of the right hand for one of the piano parts. Often times I'll be looking it over and this clef has disappeared, showing the passage (correct but looking absurd) in the treble clef. Has any of you dealt with this before? Could it have something to do with score optimization?

Aaron J. Rabushka
Finale 2003 on a PC

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