On 1 Jun 2010 at 16:18, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:

> On Tue, June 1, 2010 3:53 pm, David W. Fenton wrote:
> > you'd be doing the music a favor in
> > liberating it from notational restrictions imposed on it by the
> > limitations of its creator.
> Perhaps one of the finest lines you have written, David. I want to put
> it on my business card: "40 years of liberating music from notation
> restrictions imposed on it by the limitations of its creator."

Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week.

Seriously, I meant it rather jokingly, but there's a serious issue 
there. As much as composers think they may understand everything that 
they've consciously put into the construction of their music, they 
may still not understand everything that's actually *there*. 
Certainly, the composer has a privileged position, and her opinions 
should be given great respect, but not at the expense of disregarding 
those of others.

A composer who hasn't actually prepared a performance of one of her 
own works may miss things that are revealed to a performer in the 
process of learning the work and performing it.

This is not to say that everything goes, just that one shouldn't be 
afraid as a performer to discard or alter what seems contradictory of 
the musical content.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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