On Tue, June 1, 2010 3:49 pm, David W. Fenton wrote:
> HAM was, at least, quite old, from before the time when this music
> had been studied at great length.

Not exactly great length outside a limited academic world. HAM was only 18
years old when I studied from it, and I was performing this on the street
(literally), not in the university. Oxford editions didn't hit Trenton (where
I was living) until the mid-1970s. There were no source materials to go back
to without considerable struggle to have libraries prepare wet copies. So
pretty much HAM was it.

> We still encounter editions that don't get the barring right that are
> quite recent. It's one of my main uses for Finale, re-editing modern
> critical editions to get the musical content right.

I can imagine. I'm thinking of three separate versions of "Be m'an perdut
(another tune I used to sing on the street) before 1966.

> Anyway, I could rant all day, and often do.

Okay with me. :)


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