Dunno .... I'm not an attorney .... wouldn't want to be one .... but, I certainly share your frustration(s).


On Oct 28, 2010, at 11:20 AM, Noel Jones wrote:

I was treated very rudely by an employee there today, told that my order was not processed because my wife did not send the tax exempt form by email, but by fax, so it sat four days in a bin, and then was posted to my account and the order never shipped because she had faxed it rather than sent it by email.

I mentioned that I was unhappy because I had to buy the upgrade anyhow. "No one has to buy it, it is something you choose to do." I was told. I explained that since I was in the business and I exchange work files I HAVE TO to work with people who have chosen to upgrade.

Now they are charging TN state sales tax without an office or facility in the state. "Well, if we do workshop at a music conference we have to pay sales tax to the state." Bizarre!

Anyhow, after standing up for them for years, I'm finally disgusted.

They shipped 2010 with a lyric feature that they documented and I tried to use. It would not work. I contacted them, they were also unable to get it to work and said that they wouldl deal with this with a later version.

They knowingly sell product that is supposed to do what they advertise and routinely we find that there instead things that do not work and they know it. They are selling upgrades to us so that we can get the things we bought the earlier versions to do to finally work. And they do it across state lines. So federal trade regulations apply and there are statutes that deal with products sold like this.

What do you know that they have sold and failed to deliver in the product that we have paid for....and had to pay for a second time?

Is it time for a lawsuit?

Noel Jones, AAGO

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I have opened my soul/To let in the warmth of sound/Now my saving grace
Adrian Estabrook, author

And ... I remain intrigued that some folks who accept and practice, with absolute fidelity, the concepts of, say, feng shui and pyramids, should find the task of extending their leaps of faith to include an existent God so arduous.
Dean M. Estabrook

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