
That's cool info about the Kronos instruments. I haven't been following them
in recent years, so I'd like to hear that one.

As for loud, yeah, this is the guy in Bruges, and he was loud:

I build a cello with a resonator bowl rather than a horn; it is very quiet,
and perhaps that's what the Kronos instruments were like. It's about midway
down the page, the "Uncello":


On Sat, December 11, 2010 3:37 pm, Darcy James Argue wrote:
> Hi all,
> Definitely Stroh violins. I heard the Boardwalk Empire MD talk about them on
> Terry Riley's Transylvanian Horn Courtship for Kronos calls for custom-built
> Stroh instruments (not just violins but Stroh viola and Stroh cello) built for
> them Walter Kitundu, and tuned a full fifth lower than the standard
> instruments. You can read more about these instruments, and the piece, here:
> http://www.carnegiehall.org/article/box_office/events/evt_13018_pn.html?selecteddate=03112010
> I'm not sure if it was because of the lower tuning, but the instruments Kronos
> used were very soft -- much softer than standard string instruments. The
> authentic Stroh violins are supposed to be louder than a standard violin, that
> being the whole point of the resonator -- but for whatever reason, these ones
> were eerily quiet, even when played forcefully.
> Cheers,
> - DJA
> -----
> WEB: http://www.secretsocietymusic.org
> On 11 Dec 2010, at 2:25 PM, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:
>> On Sat, December 11, 2010 2:19 pm, Blake Richardson wrote:
>>> I've been watching the HBO show "Boardwalk Empire" lately, which is set in
>>> 1920s Prohibition-era Atlantic City, and they've had several scenes set in
>>> a
>>> dance hall with a band in a reverse orchestra pit (in a balcony up near the
>>> rafters as opposed to below the stage). One instrument they use is
>>> something
>>> I've never seen before and I was wondering if anyone knows what it is: it
>>> looks like and is played like a standard violin but there's a big
>>> trumpet-like
>>> brass bell attached to it that extends up over the neck of the instrument.
>>> Seems like some kind of string/brass hybrid thingy.
>> It's probably a Stroh violin. Quirky history, including used for recording
>> in
>> the pre-electric days.
>> I saw one in Bruges just this spring, where the musician was playing a
>> csárdás
>> on it.
>> Dennis
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