On 1/28/2011 9:32 AM, Richard Yates wrote:
No Finale content here (except that I am writing an article that includes a
score and examples done in Finale).

Thomas Crecquillon wrote "Ung Gay Bergier" (A Happy Shepherd?) in the first
half of the 16th century. It became one of the greatest hits of the next few
decades inspiring nearly three dozen known versions for keyboard and lute.
For instance, Simone Molinaro published an elaborated intabulation for lute
more than 50 years later.

By analogy, in the 21st century, what is today's equivalent of "Ung Gay
Bergier," i.e. a piece of music decades old that is a favorite for recasting
in new arrangements?

Any one of the thousands of tunes which make up the "Great American Songbook."

David H. Bailey
Finale mailing list

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