I think it's funny when old people get upset. You are like what, 60,
and you are using childish references, Glenn beck pictures, and
O'Reily references that maybe two other people get? And ass
references? Really?

Sales figures matter. Why would Apple be in the tops there if they
didn't make good products? And 10% of the market is not a true figure.
That is figuring in work machines. I believe allthingsd did a study
last year saying the numbers of home machines another matter. That is
what amazon is showing. What real people buy. Not the imaginary 10%
number you are fixating on....maybe anally as you seem to be in that
area now for whatever reason. Of course you think apple has problems
with it's phones but again, the sales numbers don't show that at
all......but doesn't really matter for a myopic such as yourself.
didn't they sell something like 18 million of those phones last

I never say NOT to get windows. Just don't get the $300 machine. Its
clown-ish. Again, even D. Fenton agrees that it is stupid.

Sent from my iSomething

On May 23, 2011, at 10:23 PM, Kim Patrick Clow <telem...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 12:31 AM, Eric <ericd...@jazz-sax.com> wrote:
> Are you? I mean, it's one thing to have a debate about a platform and
> your personal preferences, but if you wanted to raise the ante by
> insulting someone, I can ramp it up too.  You brought up sales figures
> on Amazon as some sort of justification of "well if it sells on
> Amazon, that means I'm right." Did you miss the part where I pointed
> out Apple is about 10 percent of the market, and they have and remain
> a niche area in the market?
> I'm sorry Mr Dipshitz' butthurt is showing because someone doesn't
> worship at the altar of Steve Job or suggests an alternative you don't
> like. And your continued bringing up the 300 dollar laptop is pretty
> lulz- worthy too. I mentioned that as a purchase at Deal News.com as
> an example of a great deal I found there, and I specifically mentioned
> they list great specials on any platform or vendor.
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