-------- Messaggio originale --------
Oggetto:        FinWin 2k11 - strange Hp rendition of ' (breath) sign
Data:   Wed, 15 Jun 2011 10:45:56 +0200
Mittente:       Marcello Noia <marcello.n...@unimi.it>
Rispondi-a:     marcello.n...@unimi.it
A:      finale@shsu.edu <finale@shsu.edu>

Why Finale stops a bit the time of a piece when the breath sign is
placed after a note?
And more, it happens only when breath is placed on every voice of the
score in the same position (SATB).
It should only cut a fixed percentual duration of the note without
influencing the time.
Does exist any "academic" meaning to make Finale programmers introducing
feature in the breath sign?
And, by the way, how do I tell Finale not to do so?


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