On 16 Jun 2011 at 22:17, Raymond Horton wrote:

> > At 11:16 AM +0200 6/15/11, Marcello Noia wrote:
> > Apparently the programmers programmed the second meaning only.
> No, no, no!
> "The programmers" in Finale made the breath mark play the note after
> which it is placed a shorter duration than printed.  In Fin2011, it
> plays the note 75% of the original length (for example, playing a
> quarter note as a dotted eighth plus a sixteenth rest) but does not
> alter the meter. In older Finale versions I believe it played a
> shorter percentage (50%?), and I always changed mine to 75 or 80
> percent.

I think there's a confusion here about Human Playback vs. the 
traditional playback methods. HP is defined in ways that you can't 
change, and apparently includes the temporal space. What you've 
described above is altering the traditional playback definitions of 
articulations, which are wholly independent of HP.

Of course, I'm on such an old version of Finale that I don't have HP, 
but I've run the demos and know a little bit about how it works. 
Maybe somebody who uses HP could explain more about the interaction 
between articulation playback definitions and HP.

David W. Fenton                    http://dfenton.com
David Fenton Associates       http://dfenton.com/DFA/

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