Adding extra spaces doesn't work for click assignment, as Finale seems to 
ignore them. It also treats carriage returns and multiple carriage returns as a 
space, moving to the next note as if it were a space.

The opt-spacebar on Mac will NOT add space the way you might think! It will add 
a space that Finale thinks is a normal character, attaching to a note or 
allowing two words on the same note. I think the "shift right" is our best 
option, I just want a way to do it faster.

For hyphenation, I use this website:

You have to check the results, as it doesn't always return what you think is 
right ("bless-ed" instead of "blessed": "pleas-ed" instead of "pleased", for 
example) and it doesn't seem to know contractions ("hadn't" comes back 
undivided), and it doesn't know slang ("gonna" and "havin'" stump it) as well 
as many proper names don't get divided. But it's great!


----- Original Message -----
From: Richard Huggins <>
Date: Friday, December 2, 2011 10:26 am
Subject: Re: [Finale] Click Assignment

> Haroldo, I never thot of extra spaces. I tried it and by gum it 
> works.  
> On the Mac, Option-SPacebar inserts a forced space. So, EX: "Be-
> hold  
> the rose," where "hold" spans three notes, would be entered 
> "hold (os)  
> (os) the Rose." Note it's a common space (no Option held down) 
> then  
> Option-Space etc.  ThAnks much!
> Christopher, exactly! A fast key combo would make SUCH a 
> difference!  
> Along with that, the ability to use arrow keys and a key combo 
> to  
> cause the next word to be entered, thus eliminating mouse 
> positioning,  
> would be glorious. Lastly would someone
> please create a word-dividing app, putting the hyphens in the 
> right  
> place in one fell swoop? !
> RH
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