On Wed Apr 18, at WednesdayApr 18 9:05 PM, dershem wrote:

> On 4/18/2012 12:03 AM, SN jef chippewa wrote:
>> carl, i am about to upgrade a few things, including finale, and
>> wonder if you could tell me what you found so disastrous moving from
>> 2010 to 2012 (which is what i would be doing soon).
> For one thing, I could not upgrade on-line.  I simply would NOT 
> function, so even though I bought the upgrade on-line, I had to pay 
> extra for a CD.

Carl, did you give it enough time? The initial download is just the installer. 
Once you double-click it, the ACTUAL download starts and can take quite a 
while, especially if you don't have a super-fast connection or the MakeMusic 
server was overloaded. It took me well over an hour.

> For another, many functions ceased to function:
>       "Hide staff" for part of the piano staff didn't work.

Had you enabled "hide normally" in the group attributes IN THE PIANO PART (just 
in the score might not do it)?

>       "Extract Parts" would NOT save as [filename+partname+ whatevr] - I had 
> to manually name each part.

I haven't seen this, as I don't extract parts that often. Do you have slashes 
in the staff/part name? That might kill a file creation on Mac (I see it all 
the time when creating PDFs), and it has been this way for a while. If you are 
on Windows, I don't know.

>       Page format was messed up - the first 3 pages of every part and score 
> had to be enlarged 10 112% to be seen/print normally, and pages after 
> that needed to be reduced to 70% to then match the earlier pages.

I have my suspicions about that. There are several explanations, involving the 
Zoom tool and the default page/system sizes, which I have had to suss out 
before. Short answer, it's not a bug, it's just an unwanted or misunderstood 
behaviour. If you could send me a file privately, I'll check it out, and you 
won't be bothered with it again.

> Those are just the three that I thought of first.  It is just FULL of 
> bugs and errors.  2010 works, 2012 does not - it takes more effort to do 
> what 2010 did effortlessly.
> cd

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