2011 mac fine for me.

Steve P. 

On 19 Apr 2012, at 13:20, Christopher Smith <christopher.sm...@videotron.ca> 

> On Thu Apr 19, at ThursdayApr 19 2:14 AM, dershem wrote:
>> The only option I would like that 2010 doesn't have is to hide staves in
>> the piano part, and I am used to doing that with a T-square and x-acto
>> knife.
>> Carl
> Hi Carl,
> I know that the piano group is set by default to NOT allow optimisation, but 
> you can edit the group to allow optimisation normally in the part. This 
> hasn't changed for a very long time. Now, of course, in 2012 it's called 
> "hide empty staves" instead of "optimisation" but the principle (and the 
> restriction!) are the same. Please, put down the knife!
> Christopher
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